Script Writing for Movies and Television
A course by Julio Rojas
Discover a creative method to start telling your audiovisual stories
- 39,079
- 99% (1.3K)

Credit Titles Animated with 3D Cameras and After Effects
A course by Fernando Domínguez Cózar
Design and animate film credits from the sketch to the final post-production
- 2,861
- 99% (135)

Domestika Basics · 5 courses
Introduction to Adobe Animate
A course by Josep Bernaus
Learn to use essential tools from scratch to create interactive animations and bring your drawings and designs to life
- 16,354
- 98% (462)

Retro Character Design for Animation
A course by Venturia Animation Studios
Learn to design characters by recreating the styles of the golden age of animation
- 4,509
- 98% (253)

Sound Design and Post-Production for Video and Animation
A course by Aimar Molero
Learn to add sound, post-produce, and master with Logic Pro X and other software
- 5,975
- 98% (203)

Pop-Up Book Creation
A course by Silvia Hijano Coullaut
Learn basic methods for creating your own pop-up book with height and depth
- 62,819
- 97% (1.9K)

Introduction to 3D Design and Modeling with Blender
A course by Luis Arizaga
Learn to use basic sculpting, modeling, and rendering tools in Blender
- 17,984
- 92% (641)

Domestika Basics · 6 courses
Introduction to Spark AR
A course by Paul Brown
Learn from scratch how to use the software to professionally create your own interactive augmented reality filters for Instagram and Facebook
- 3,856
- 97% (64)

Introduction to TikTok for Creatives
A course by That Icelandic Guy
Discover the secrets of creating engaging content to gain followers and grow your brand
- 20,983
- 97% (539)

Creating Loop Animation Stories
A course by Pablo Cuello
Learn how to animate characters frame by frame using simple designs
- 5,484
- 100% (177)

Introduction to Book Cover Design
A course by Daniel Bolívar
Learn the essentials to design the front cover of a book from start to finish
- 3,812
- 99% (182)

Introduction to VFX for Cinema
A course by Carolina Jiménez García
Discover the workflows and complete range of effects for audiovisual productions
- 3,868
- 95% (200)

Interior Design: Boost Your Brand or Business
A course by Mikamoka studio
Learn to design a unique space that conveys the personality of your brand or client
- 1,686
- 97% (34)

Introduction to Design of Characters for Animation and Video Games
A course by Jean Fraisse
Learn a simple approach to drawing memorable characters
- 60,287
- 100% (2K)

DaVinci Resolve for Professional Color Correction in Cinema
A course by Luis Dengó
Learn different techniques to create images and transmit emotions through color
- 5,104
- 98% (129)

3D Character Design: From Drawing to Modeling
A course by Segun Samson
Give a new dimension to characters by creating your protagonist in Photoshop before giving it depth and volume with ZBrush and Maya
- 1,455
- 100% (46)

Strategy and Creativity to Design Brand Names
A course by ignasi fontvila
Learn professional methodology to create distinctive and memorable brand names
- 8,163
- 98% (556)

Naming: The Art of Name Creation
A course by Xavier Grau Castelló
Discover the creative process to convert the value of a company, brand, or product into a name
- 12,332
- 98% (863)

Food Photography and Retouching with Photoshop
A course by Francesc Guillamet Ferran
Explore the aesthetic possibilities of food and its packaging
- 3,145
- 88% (182)

Character Animation and Expression with Maya
A course by Sagar Arun
Discover the fascinating world of animation by learning its key principles and creating an animated character filled with emotion
- 2,203
- 95% (60)