Christian Crystal

Christian Crystal

París, France

Christian Crystal

Born in Reunion Island, I left for Paris in 2007. I’ve done my studies in design at ESAA Duperré, then I’m an art teacher since 2014.
I invented my alter ego Christian Crystal when I was 13. Since then I try to develop his universe thanks to different medium: drawings, paintings, sculptures,...
My creative universe is inspired by video games, geek universe, animation, illustration, religious ornament,...
My favorites artists are: Keith Haring, Takashi Murakami, Télémaque, Rancillac, Hervé Di Rosa.
My artworks can be called narrative but not only. My aim is to create my own mithology as Anette Messager, Sophie Calle or Christian Boltanski. Christian Crystal is helping me to create this.



Joined May 2020