Hello! My name is Heather Souliere and I am a Texture Painter for animated movies, and a Traditional Artist and Urban Sketcher who loves to work in ink. One of my favorite things is to draw my surroundings, whether it's en plein air or based on reference I've taken. Living in a city for much of my life I've grown especially fond of drawing architecture and urban scapes using ink. It is a medium well suited to capturing light and darkness, and expressing fine detail and broad expanses. With a monochromatic medium I can capture the light I see while focusing on form and the composition of the environment I'm drawing.
I love making art and sharing what I've learned with others. In this Domestika course I'll show you how I approach drawing your surroundings with ink washes and fineliners.
Urban Illustration with Inking Techniques
Use fineliners and ink washes to depict stunning scenes of your city
A course by Heather Souliere, Illustrator
Buy $0.99USDFINAL DAYS FREE WITH PLUS95% Disc.Original price $19.99USD
Professional listing
- Heather Souliere – @heathersouliere
- Senior Texture Artist
- www.heathersouliere.com/