Isabel Thomas

Isabel Thomas is an award-winning science writer and the author of more than 180 books for young audiences, published in 30+ languages around the world. They include Moth: An Evolution Story with Daniel Egnéus, which won the 2020 AAAS Subaru Prize, and Exploring the Elements with Sara Gillingham, which was a New York Times and Waterstones Book of 2020.

Isabel also writes for children's science magazines and works with organisations to create science outreach projects. Prior to writing full-time, Isabel trained as a journalist and worked as commissioning editor (children's science and non-fiction) for publishers including Bloomsbury and Pearson.

Isabel has 10 years' experience of running workshops and training for writers and science communicators of all ages and stages, sharing insights from her own practice and from her experience as a commissioning editor. She has also contributed to the Children's Writers' and Artists Yearbook and Writers' Forum Magazine in the UK.

Isabel has a degree in Human Sciences from the University of Oxford and a postgraduate research degree from the University of Cambridge. She lives in Cambridge, UK, with her three children (who are guinea pigs for her experiments and activities) and two actual guinea pigs (who are no help whatsoever).


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Joined April 2021