Impressionist Painting with Acrylics: Techniques for Urban Scenes. Illustration course by Hashim Akib

Impressionist Painting with Acrylics: Techniques for Urban Scenes

A course by Hashim Akib

Learn how to create vibrant impressionistic paintings using acrylics, focusing on dynamic street scenes and color techniques.

  • 4,131
  • 100% (64)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Techniques for Creating Digital Textile Patterns. Illustration, and Fashion course by Alejandra Quesada

Techniques for Creating Digital Textile Patterns

A course by Alejandra Quesada

Learn to create textile patterns freely and artistically using techniques like gouache, acrylics, pencils, or collage

  • 687
  • 100% (11)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Crochet for beginners: how to make the perfect accessories. Craft course by Grace Xu

Crochet for beginners: how to make the perfect accessories

A course by Grace Xu

Learn how to crochet unique accessories like a scarf and hand warmers.

  • 1,157
  • 100% (13)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Calligraphic flourishes as ornament and illustrations.. Calligraphy, and Typography course by Panda

Calligraphic flourishes as ornament and illustrations.

A course by Panda

Discover the basics, do practical exercises, and master calligraphic flourishes and learn how to apply them to your projects.

  • 431
  • 100% (4)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Daily Sketching for Creative Inspiration. Illustration course by Sorie Kim

Daily Sketching for Creative Inspiration

A course by Sorie Kim

Improve your drawing process as you explore, imagine, and experiment in your sketchbook on a daily basis

  • 161,956
  • 98% (4K)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
No-Code Web Design with Elementor and Wordpress. Web, and App Design course by Isa Macías

No-Code Web Design with Elementor and Wordpress

A course by Isa Macías

Learn to design creative websites and personalized portfolios without needing to code using Wordpress and the Elementor visual editor

  • 11,974
  • 99% (211)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Cookie Decoration with Royal Icing for Beginners. Design, Craft, and Culinary course by VanilleCouture (Lili Cuéllar y Willie Soto)

Cookie Decoration with Royal Icing for Beginners

A course by VanilleCouture (Lili Cuéllar y Willie Soto)

Learn icing techniques to transform your butter cookies into delicious characters

  • 44,348
  • 99% (1.1K)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Creative Watercolor Sketching for Beginners. Illustration course by Laura McKendry

Creative Watercolor Sketching for Beginners

A course by Laura McKendry

Paint exciting watercolor illustrations by exploring playful and unconventional techniques in your sketchbook

  • 96,941
  • 99% (2.3K)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Drawing for Beginners Level -1. Illustration course by Puño

Drawing for Beginners Level -1

A course by Puño

Create your first sketchbook by applying basic techniques for drawing by hand

  • 263,465
  • 99% (10K)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Beaded Jewelry Design: Weave Elegant Patterns. Craft course by Marion Mazô

Beaded Jewelry Design: Weave Elegant Patterns

A course by Marion Mazô

Create intricate beaded jewelry using a loom and the peyote technique to develop your unique designs

  • 32,021
  • 98% (720)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Introduction to Meditation and Daily Mindfulness . Wellness course by Michael Galyon

Introduction to Meditation and Daily Mindfulness

A course by Michael Galyon

Learn meditation techniques to reduce stress and apply mindfulness to your daily life with practical, accessible methods.

  • 2,209
  • 100% (25)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Cold Porcelain Flower Sculptures. Craft course by Christina Wallis

Cold Porcelain Flower Sculptures

A course by Christina Wallis

Let your creativity bloom and make beautiful, lifelike botanicals using cold porcelain clay

  • 1,487
  • 100% (17)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
How to Start and Run a Creative Studio. Marketing, Business, and How to become course by HUMAN

How to Start and Run a Creative Studio

A course by HUMAN

Create a business plan, define your unique identity, and learn to manage your business.

  • 3,423
  • 100% (36)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Concept Sketching for Industrial Design. Design & Illustration course by Adam Miklosi

Concept Sketching for Industrial Design

A course by Adam Miklosi

Learn the essentials of sketching in industrial design. Master concept sketching to develop and integrate your ideas into any design process.

  • 2,033
  • 100% (18)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Handcrafted Pottery: 3D Modeling and Decoration. Craft course by Garbo Zhu

Handcrafted Pottery: 3D Modeling and Decoration

A course by Garbo Zhu

Learn handcrafted pottery techniques and 3D modeling with Garbo Zhu, creator of Grumpy Kid Studio

  • 1,028
  • 100% (2)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Creative Cupcake Decorating Techniques. Culinary course by Lindsey Katon

Creative Cupcake Decorating Techniques

A course by Lindsey Katon

Learn seasonal cupcake decorating techniques with Lindsey Katon and turn your sweets into edible art.

  • 801
  • 100% (20)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Embroidery Pattern Design. Craft course by Nuria Picos Rodríguez

Embroidery Pattern Design

A course by Nuria Picos Rodríguez

Learn to design your own embroidery patterns and create custom kits. Choose the appropriate colors, stitches, and materials to create amazing embroidery.

  • 1,943
  • 100% (31)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Fashion upcycling: Create a backpack with second-hand clothes. Craft, and Fashion course by Luisa Hurtado

Fashion upcycling: Create a backpack with second-hand clothes

A course by Luisa Hurtado

Transform second-hand garments into unique fashion pieces! Create your own upcycled backpack and accessories.

  • 2,253
  • 100% (33)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Boost Your Conversion Rates: Learn Landing Page Design with Figma. Web, and App Design course by Olga Shevchenko

Boost Your Conversion Rates: Learn Landing Page Design with Figma

A course by Olga Shevchenko

Learn how to create high-conversion landing pages. Explore sketching concepts quickly and understand visual language.

  • 3,037
  • 97% (31)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Stand-up Comedy for Beginners. Writing course by Natalia Valdebenito González

Stand-up Comedy for Beginners

A course by Natalia Valdebenito González

Learn to write and interpret a stand up comedy piece and find your own style through acting techniques.

  • 2,556
  • 95% (19)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD