Hello! I'm Sara Pastrana, the brainchild behind Flourishing Fibers but I'm also a full-time designer based in Los Angeles, California. I have a son that I just adore. He is my motivation and my number one fan.
I learned to cross-stitch as a teenager but didn’t start exploring embroidery as an art medium until much later in life. In 2012 I began my embroidery art journey by experimenting with all sorts of materials. I ultimately found my niche working with wood and paper. Over the years, my journey has transformed from experiment, to hobby, to passion.
Embroidering unconventional materials allows me to be both creative and technical. Each piece I create challenges me to find a balance between what I envision and how it’s going to be achieved. The design process is fun, relaxing, and without any restrictions but the execution requires meticulous planning. In the end, it is the thread that really brings the work to life.
My inspiration often comes from opposite ends of the spectrum. Some designs are inspired by nature, while others are inspired by geometry. I find beauty in the symmetry and repetitiveness of patterns just as much as the fluidity of nature.
Profesor de
Bordado en madera: arte inspirado en la naturaleza
Descubre cómo agregar hilos y texturas a una pieza de madera para crear una obra de arte, aprendiendo a perforar, coser o colgarla
Un curso de Sara Pastrana (Flourishing Fibers), Diseñadora gráfica y artista textil
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Ficha profesional
- Sara Pastrana (Flourishing Fibers) – @flourishingfibers
- Modern Embroidery Artist
- www.flourishingfibers.com/