Best seller

Color Applied to Interior Design

A course by Miriam Alía , Interior Designer

Interior Designer. Madrid, Spain.
Joined November 2019

Learn how to create strong chromatic combinations for interior projects

Best seller
98% positive reviews (932)
26,142 students
Audio: Spanish, English
Spanish, English, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Polish, Dutch

  • 98% positive reviews (932)
  • 26,142 students
  • 12 lessons (1h 23m)
  • 26 additional resources (16 files)
  • Online and at your own pace
  • Available on the app
  • Audio: Spanish, English
  • Spanish, English, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Polish, Dutch
  • Level: Beginner
  • Unlimited access forever

Color Applied to Interior Design. Architecture, and Spaces course by Miriam Alía Best seller

Color Applied to Interior Design

A course by Miriam Alía
Interior Designer. Madrid, Spain.
Joined November 2019
  • 98% positive reviews (932)
  • 26,142 students